Série 'Namwolf (2017)(V.O. anglais)


Genre : Comics - Horreur
Nombre de tome: 4
Albums dans la base: 4
Avancement : Fini

Synopsis : When scrawny Marty Spencer is drafted into the Vietnam War, he finds himself smack dab in the middle of the heart of darkness. But Marty has a secret. A secret even from himself. And Vietnam is a hell of a place to find out you're a werewolf.


'Namwolf n°1

Comics - Horreur
Edition Albatross Exploding Funny Books

'Namwolf n°2

Comics - Horreur
Edition Albatross Exploding Funny Books

'Namwolf n°3

Comics - Horreur
Edition Albatross Exploding Funny Books

'Namwolf n°4

Comics - Horreur
Edition Albatross Exploding Funny Books

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