Série Silver Surfer by Slott & Allred Omnibus (2018)(V.O. anglais)


Genre : Comics
Nombre de tome: 1
Albums dans la base: 1
Avancement : One Shot

Synopsis : Anywhere and everywhere - hang on! Dan Slott and Mike Allred take the Sentinel of the Spaceways on his wildest ride yet - with a very special companion! Meet Dawn Greenwood, the Earth girl who's enabled the Silver Surfer to see the universe with all-new eyes - and push its boundaries like never before! But that way leads to incredible dangers - like the Never Queen, Warrior One and Jumbonox the Giganormous! From perfect planets to wrathful warriors, from the end of reality to an all-new beginning, they'll travel the length and breadth of space and time - and beyond! But what could ever make Norrin Radd willing to once again serve Galactus? Slott and Allred weave a cosmic-powered story of triumph, tragedy and boundless imagination!

Séries liées : Silver Surfer (2014)(V.O. anglais)  | Silver Surfer (2016)(V.O. anglais) 


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