Série Out in the Open (2018)(V.O. anglais)


Genre : Comics
Nombre de tome: 1
Albums dans la base: 1
Avancement : One Shot

Synopsis : After suffering violence and betrayal at home, a young boy flees into an uncompromising landscape ravaged by drought. Without food or water, exposed to the heat of the sun and the violence of his pursuers, the boy sets out across the Spanish plains.
An encounter with an elderly goatherd offers hope of survival. The old man can help him stay ahead of the dangers that lie outside—but he can’t fix the internal drama that plays out in the boy’s mind. Nightmares are a constant reminder of a traumatic past and an unstable present.
Based on the award-winning novel by Jesús Carrasco, Javi Rey’s Out in the Open is a cinematic graphic novel about escaping abuse and finding humanity in a world torn apart by the violence of men.


T1 - Out in the Open (HC)

Edition Self Made hero

Même auteur...

Un ennemi du peuple




On l'appelait Bebeto

Autobiographie, Autofiction