Série Guardians of the Galaxy (1990)(V.O. anglais)
Genre : Comics
Nombre de tome: 62
Albums dans la base: 62
Avancement : Fini
Synopsis :
- Taking place in the 31st century in the alternate reality of Earth-691, the Guardians of the Galaxy are the primary superhero team of the future. After their adventures in Marvel Presents, the team stayed together after the defeat of the Badoon to help protect the galaxy from injustice!
- (source : comicvine)
- Guardians of the Galaxy (1990) #1-62 (#1-62)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #1-25 (#63-87)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #1-27 (#88-114)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) #1-19 (#115-133)
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy (2017) #1-12 (#134-145) - Guardians of the Galaxy (2018) #146-150
- ...
Séries liées : Guardians of the Galaxy Classic : In The Year 3000 (2016)(V.O. anglais) | Guardians of the Galaxy By Jim Valentino (2014)(V.O. anglais)
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T28 - Infinity War Tie In, Part 2 : Villains, Villains Everywhere! Comics |
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T34 - A Hitchhiker's Guide To The Guardians Of The Galaxy Comics | |