Série Luke Cage (2017)(V.O. anglais)


Genre : Comics
Nombre de tome: 10
Albums dans la base: 12
Avancement : Fini

Synopsis :

After issue 5, the Marvel Legacy event starts, in which all of the issues of the previous volume's of Luke Cage are counted together, making the 6th issue the 166th in total.

Hero For Hire (1972) #1-16
Power Man (1974) #17-66
Power Man and Iron Fist (1981) #67-125
Cage (1992) #1-20 (#126-145)
Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #1-15 (#146-160)
Luke Cage (2017) #1-5 (#161-165)
The series was canceled after #170.


Intégrale - T1 - Sins of the Father (TPB)

Edition Marvel

Intégrale - T2 - Caged! (TPB)

Edition Marvel


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