Série The Totally Awesome Hulk (2016)(V.O. Anglais)


Genre : Comics Super-héros
Nombre de tome: 23
Albums dans la base: 26
Avancement : Fini

Synopsis :

After issue 23, the Marvel Legacy event starts, in which all previous Hulk volumes are counted together to become issue 709, it also reverts back to its original name Incredible Hulk.


T18 - Big Apple Showdown, Conclusion

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T19 - Weapons of Mutant Destruction, Prelude

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T20 - Weapons of Mutant Destruction, Part 2

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T21 - Weapons of Mutant Destruction, Part 4

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T23 - Return of the monster

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel