Série The Amazing Spider-Man (2015)(V.O. anglais)


Genre : Comics Super-héros
Nombre de tome: 45
Albums dans la base: 58
Avancement : Fini

Synopsis :

After issue 32, the Marvel Legacy event starts, in which all of the issues of the previous volume's of Amazing Spider-Man (and Superior Spider-Man) are counted together, making the 33rd issue the 789th in total.


T18 - Before Dead No More, Part 3 : Full Otto

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T20 - Spider-Man's Superior

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T21 - Live Another Day

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T22 - Seeing Red

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T23 - The Moment You know

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T24 - Night of the Jackals

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel