Série The Incredible Hulk (1968)(V.O. anglais)


Genre : Comics Super-héros
Nombre de tome: 374
Albums dans la base: 374
Avancement : Fini

Synopsis :



T181 - And now... The Wolverine!

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T182 - Between hammer and anvil

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T183 - Fury at 50,000 Volts

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T184 - Shadow on the Land

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T185 - Deathknell

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T186 - The Day of the Devastator

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T187 - There's a Gremlin in the Works

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T188 - Mind over Mayhem!

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T189 - None are so blind

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T190 - The man who came down on a Rainbow!

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T191 - The Triumph of theToad

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T192 - The Lurker beneath Loch Fear

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T193 - The Doctor's Name is... Samson

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T194 - The Day of the Locust

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T195 - Warfare in Wonderland

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T196 - The Abomination Proclamation

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T197 - ...and Man-Thing makes three

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T198 - The Shangri-La Syndrome

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T199 - And SHIELD shall follow!

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T200 - An Intruder in the Mind

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel