Série Guardians of the Galaxy (2008)(V.O. anglais)


Genre : Comics Super-héros
Nombre de tome: 25
Albums dans la base: 29
Avancement : Fini

Synopsis :

#1-12 : Guardians of the Galaxy : Somebody's Got To Do It (HC)

Séries liées : Guardians of the Galaxy by Abnett & Lanning : The Complete Collection (2014)(V.O. anglais) 


Intégrale - T1 - Legacy (TPB)

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

Intégrale - T3 - Guardians of the Galaxy: War of Kings, Book 2 (HC)

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

Intégrale - T4 - Realm of Kings (HC)

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel


T1 - Somebody's got to do it

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T2 - Legacy

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T3 - Beyond Belief

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T4 - Damages

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T5 - Deception

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T6 - Death

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T7 - No Future

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T8 - Past Mistakes

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T9 - Prison Break

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T10 - Blastarred!

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T11 - Welcome To Oblivion

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T12 - Sacrifice

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T13 - Peacemakers

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T14 - To The Death

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T15 - Knowhere To Run To

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel

T16 - Earth, Overcome

Comics Super-héros
Edition Marvel