Collection de Regent

1219 albums dans la collection.

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Couv. Titre Série Tome Edition Collection Scenario Dessin Date d'achat
Siege, Tome 1 Siège 1 Panini Comics 2010 Comics Bendis, Brian Michael Coipel, Olivier 24/05/2020
La vie de Captain Marvel La vie de Captain Marvel Semic 1992 Privilege Starlin, Jim Starlin, Jim 24/05/2020
Recueil Étranges aventures 3213 Étranges aventures (Petit format) 3713 Artima (ARTisan en IMAgerie) 1978 Comics Pocket Collectif Collectif 24/05/2020
The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men n°1 The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (1987)(V.O. anglais) 1 Marvel 1987 Olshevsky, George Romita Jr, John 24/05/2020
The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men n°2 The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (1987)(V.O. anglais) 2 Marvel 1987 Olshevsky, George Simonson, Walter 24/05/2020
The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men n°3 The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (1987)(V.O. anglais) 3 Marvel 1987 Olshevsky, George Grindberg, Tom 24/05/2020
Mikros & Photonik : l'ombre et la lumière Mikros & Photonik : l'ombre et la lumière Delcourt 2013 Contrebande Mitton, Jean-Yves Mitton, Jean-Yves 24/05/2020
The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men n°4 The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (1987)(V.O. anglais) 4 Marvel 1987 Olshevsky, George Ryan, Paul 24/05/2020
The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men n°5 The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (1987)(V.O. anglais) 5 Marvel 1988 Olshevsky, George Saltares, Javier 24/05/2020
The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men n°6 The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (1987)(V.O. anglais) 6 Marvel 1988 Olshevsky, George Valentino, Jim 24/05/2020