Lust and other uses for spare hormones
Zits sketchbook (1998)(V.O. anglais)
Humour - Scott, Jerry/ Borgman, Jim
Edition Andrews and McMeel - 20/10/2009
EAN : 9780740785443 | ID-BDovore : 89947
Synopsis :
In the spring, a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of . . . Oh, who are we kidding? When do guys NOT think about girls?
Lust and Other Uses for Spare Hormones contains Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman's favorite Zits strips about love. They searched their archives and found enough romance, attempted romance, and failed romance to fill the pages of this collection to the brim.
Zits captures the nature of teenage boys with uncanny precision and merciless honesty. Anyone who has spent any time around an adolescent boy knows that his brain is locked in a constant battle between lust and reason, where lust is Crazy Horse and reason is George Armstrong Custer. This is the natural state of the teen male, and it's portrayed exquisitely in Zits
Lust and Other Uses for Spare Hormones contains Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman's favorite Zits strips about love. They searched their archives and found enough romance, attempted romance, and failed romance to fill the pages of this collection to the brim.
Zits captures the nature of teenage boys with uncanny precision and merciless honesty. Anyone who has spent any time around an adolescent boy knows that his brain is locked in a constant battle between lust and reason, where lust is Crazy Horse and reason is George Armstrong Custer. This is the natural state of the teen male, and it's portrayed exquisitely in Zits
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