T1 - The strange adventures of H.P. Lovecraft, Volume 1
The strange adventures of H.P. Lovecraft (V.O.)
Comics - Carter, Mac/ Salmons, Tony
Edition Image Comics - 13/07/2010
EAN : 9781607062653 | ID-BDovore : 86464
Synopsis :
Toiling away as a timid and eccentric writer of pulp horror stories, H.P. Lovecraft, is powerless in the world... in love with a girl who doesn't love him back, mired in a profession that inspires no respect and frozen in the grip of a terrible writer's block. Until one day when everything changes. Lovecraft comes in contact with an ancient book that passes onto him an insidious curse: whenever he sleeps, his darkest nightmares come true and are loosed on the world. Suddenly, this shy and bumbling writer becomes both an unwitting god of destruction and the only man who can fight the wickedness he unleashes. It's a fantastical revision of the life and work of H.P. Lovecraft, a story in the mold of the classic Universal horror movies. A weird tale indeed.
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