©Fantagraphics Books Inc./Collectif

Snake eyes n°2
Snake eyes (V.O.)

Comics - Collectif
Edition Fantagraphics Books Inc. - 01/01/1991
EAN : 9781560970750 | ID-BDovore : 74715

Synopsis : Editor Glenn Head returns with an even bigger, even better, even more exciting second issue that inclueds work by virtually all of the hottest alternative cartoonists of the '90s. The two main courses in this smorgasbord of magnificence are "Sidetrack City," a 28-page surreal epic by Kaz, and David Sandlin's 13-page "Alka-hall of Shame," concluded with a spectacular multi-page four-way fold-out! Other features include a seven page Amy-and-Jordan story by everybody's favorite depressive Mark Beyer, "The Joke"; "Hand of Glory," a psychosexual-religious tale by Michael Manning; Glenn Head's self-explanatory "Peep Freak"; "The Nudist Nuns of Goat Island" by Mack White; another selection of bizarre humor by Mark Newgarden; a very different type of comic by Doug (Steven) Allen, "Mojo Hand," about a guy who tries to put a voodoo curse on his girlfriend, written by Matt Verdery; and "Problem inspiration" by Krystine Kryttre; R. Sikoryak's "Mac Worth" (a parodic cross between Macbeth and Mary Worth); plus work by Julie Doucet, Jayr Pulga, Gary Leib, Roy Tompkins, Chris Ware, Wayne White, J. Bradley Johnson, and an inside cover painting by Joe Coleman!

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