Intégrale - Mystic Arcana (HC)
Mystic Arcana (V.O.)
Comics - Collectif
Edition Marvel - 01/12/2007
EAN : 9780785127192 | ID-BDovore : 60419
Synopsis :
A magic event that spans across the ages, featuring the craftiest characters and most spellbinding stories in the Marvel Universe! In the vein of the wild and woolly genre revitalization Annihilation, Marvel's looking into its crystal ball to bring you mystical mages, scandalous sorcerers and fantastic flights of high-flying fantasy in Mystic Arcana. Each of the primary stories revolves around the introduction of one of a select group of mystical implements, quite literally the four pillars of the universe, and the involvement of a character from Marvel's rich, magical past - including Magik, the Black Knight, Sister Grimm and the Scarlet Witch. Plus: Witness the efforts of Dr. Strange adversary, sorcerer Ian McNee, to collect arcane implements in a series of shorter companion tales that make up the spine of Mystic Arcana.
Collects Mystic Arcana: Magik, Black Knight, Scarlet Witch, Sister Grimm, Handbook; Official Tarot of the Marvel Universe.
Price : 24,99$
Collects Mystic Arcana: Magik, Black Knight, Scarlet Witch, Sister Grimm, Handbook; Official Tarot of the Marvel Universe.
Price : 24,99$
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