Intégrale - T1 - The Avengers disassembled (HC)
The Avengers (1963)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Bendis, Brian Michael/ Finch, David
Couleur :
Edition Marvel - 17/01/2007
EAN : 9780785122944 | ID-BDovore : 60219
Synopsis :
The powerhouse team of Brian Michael Bendis and David Finch take on Earth's Mightest Heroes! It begins with the return of a team member thought dead - and by the time it's over, everything you know about the Avengers will have changed! The event that rocked the entirety of the Marvel Universe and set the stage for New Avengers is presented here for the first time as a deluxe, oversize hardcover with all-new extras!
Collects Avengers #500-503 and Avengers Finale.
Price : 24,99$
Collects Avengers #500-503 and Avengers Finale.
Price : 24,99$
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