©Viz Media/Kawaguchi, Kaiji

T1 - Eagle : The making of an Asian-American president, Tome 1
Eagle (V.A.)

Mangas - Seinen -
Couleur : <n&b>
Edition Viz Media - 01/08/2000
Collection Pulp graphic novel

EAN : 9781569314753 | ID-BDovore : 51998

Synopsis : Growing up among the U.S. servicemen stationed on the island of Okinawa, Japanese reporter Takashi Jo never imagines that one of the solfiers who passed through his home town woul done day become a U.S. senator, much less that he would request Jo personnaly to come to America and cover his insurgent campaign for the Democratic nomination. In short order, the naive young journalist learns the truth about himself from the wealth and powerful senator Kenneth Yamaoka. But what is the truth about the senator ? Now, at the right hand of the politician whou would be the most powerful man on Earth, Takashi Jo stuggles to reconcile every side that Yamaoka reveals on his road to the nomination . the New England socialite who had a bayonet run through his belly in Vietnam : the scheming trickster who in stealing a rival's speech delivers it with resonant idealism.

Jo, if he so chooses, can bring the senator down at any time. But will he ? Is what he wants Yamaoka to be more important than what the senator really is ? Or are both Jo and the America he discovers asking the wrong question ? Are there any real secrets left in American politics ? Or, in a democracy, are there only things we hide from ourselves ?

Prix : 19,95$

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