©Viz Media/Kawaguchi, Kaiji

T4 - Eagle : The making of an Asian-American president, Tome 4
Eagle (V.A.)

Mangas - Seinen -
Couleur : <n&b>
Edition Viz Media - 01/11/2001
Collection Pulp graphic novel

EAN : 9781569316399 | ID-BDovore : 51433

Synopsis : Japanese reporter Takashi Jo has learned many things about the scheming yet charismatic senator, but there is one secret they keep to themselves. He's Takashi's father, from a brief affair he had in Okinawa as a soldier on the way to Vietnam. Yamaoka survived a bayonet there, returning home to attend Yale, become a crusading attorney, and even marry into the old-money Hampton banking dynasty. Takashi, whose own mother died under mysterious circumstances, sees them as a kind of shadow family : Patricia, the senator's wife - who, unknown to Takahashi, also knows who he really is ; Alex, the natural son crushed under the achievements of his father ; and Rachel, the adopted daughter. But there is yet another figure in the shadow : Maria Estefano the Cuban-American refugee who was Rachel's biological mother. Now, prompted by a vice-president Noah desperate to stop Yamaoka's campaign dead before the California primary, Maria has come forward with the claim that the senator actually fathered her daughter ! If that's true, the people it could hit hardest are Rachel and Takashi, who have grown from being simply close to becoming lovers. For their sake, Takashi flies to Miami to learn the truth... but how can he be sure he actually gets it ? If he confesses to Maria his own relationship to Yamaoka, he might then be able to trust the answer she gives him - at the cost of dooming his father's bid for the presidency...

Prix : 22,95$

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