Dork tower n°35
Dork Tower (V.O.)
Comics - Kovalic, John
Edition Corsair Publishing - 01/01/2006
EAN : 9781933288536 | ID-BDovore : 51203
Synopsis :
Oh, come on. EVERY comic book's had its Alternate Universe moments. So watch as this special issue presents "What Ifs" from the Dork Tower universe, with stories by John Kovalic, Eisner-winner Alex Robinson, JP Trostle and more! Plus very special crossovers by Dr. Blink: Superhero Shrink (Kovalic and Jones) and Lethargic Lad (Hyland). Along with another eight-page Kobolds Ate My Baby supplement, this issue has something for everyone!
Prix : 3,49$
Prix : 3,49$
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