T26 - Clicky special
Dork Tower (V.O.)
Comics - Kovalic, John
Couleur : Hyland, Greg
Edition Corsair Publishing - 01/01/2003
ID-BDovore : 51194
Synopsis :
Name the top-five best d20 modules involving hot elven princesses! It's what the gang at Pegasaurus Games do during working hours! Spend a day at Pegasaurus with this special issue, and see what really goes on behind the counters at games stores! High Fidelity hilarity! Plus Lethargic Lad by Greg Hyland, Dr. Blink by John Kovalic and Chris Jones and SnapDragons by John Kovalic and Liz Rathke!
Prix : 2,99$
Prix : 2,99$
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