©Bongo Comics/Boothby, Ian

Intégrale - T4 - The time bender trilogy (TPB)
Futurama Comics (2000)(V.O. anglais)

Comics - / -
Couleur :
Edition Bongo Comics - 03/07/2006
EAN : 9781892849168 | ID-BDovore : 49821

Synopsis : The four-part trilogy returns in an all new trade paperback collection. Fry, Leela, Bender, and Professor Farnsworth's clone/ward Cubert take an intergalactic trip, and when they return to Earth, they find the planet uninhabited. First, our merry band of messengers must fight off alien invaders bent on claiming the planet as their own. Then they must go in search of their missing colleagues as well as billions of citizens from Planet Earth. But "where are they?" soon turns into "when are they?" and "how" and "why" also make a little appearance. And before long the intrepid crew quite literally goes to hell and back again. Will the world ever get back to normal, or is everyone totally boned? Yes, there will be time travel—so bring a change of clothes!

Futurama Comics #16-19

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