Intégrale - T1 - Archie Meets Batman '66 (TPB)
Archie Meets Batman '66 (2018)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Moreci, Michael - Parker, Jeff/ Parent, Dan
Couleur : Fitzpatrick, Kelly Diane
Edition Archie Comic Publications Inc. - 01/05/2019
EAN : 9781682558478 | ID-BDovore : 386962
Synopsis :
Archie Meets Batman '66 (2018) #1-6
Gotham City meets Riverdale in this crossover graphic novel that brings together some of the most iconic characters in comics and television! A battle in Gotham City extends its reach into Riverdale-and it's up to the teens of Riverdale to recruit some help and place a call... to the Batcave!
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