Heavy Metal n°311
Heavy Metal (1977)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Collectif
Edition Heavy metal magazine - 03/11/2021
ID-BDovore : 354964
The Boulet Brothers (known individually as Dracmorda and Swanthula Boulet) are drag artists, television personalities, writers, and producers. Their projects have included horror themed television shows, live nightlife productions, books, movies, and comic books. ] Since 2016 the Boulet Brothers have produced and starred in the Netflix reality competition series The Boulet Brothers' Dragula. The duo is considered to be "modern day horror hosts". Outside of their television projects, the Boulet Brothers appear regularly as featured guests, performers and emcees at horror conventions, nightclubs and live events. The Boulets are considered prolific nightclub producers with a career creating legendary nightlife events for over a decade. The Boulet Brothers are also widely celebrated as queer icons due to the inclusive nature of their creative endeavors.
The famed drag duo is now curating the legendary Heavy Metal magazine for the 2021 special Halloween edition.
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