Progeny (2013)(V.O. Anglais)
Comics - Collectif
Edition Top Cows Productions - 28/08/2013
EAN : 9781607067481 | ID-BDovore : 350641
Synopsis :
CAN A MOTHER'S LOVE SAVE THE UNIVERSE?In the aftermath of ARTIFACTS, Darkness bearer Jackie Estacado reconstructed the fabric of the universe to save his daughter Hope and resurrect his previously murdered lover, Jenny Romano. What seemed like an innocent transgression to set things right for himself has created cracks that have allowed older, greater evils to enter our world. Rapture bearer and defrocked priest Tom Judge knows what Jackie has done and is assembling an army of Artifacts bearers to stop him and set things right... but will the Witchblade bearer Sara Pezzini be willing to help him?
Collects ARTIFACTS #25-26, WITCHBLADE #164-165, and THE DARKNESS #111
Collects ARTIFACTS #25-26, WITCHBLADE #164-165, and THE DARKNESS #111
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