Heavy Metal n°302
Heavy Metal (1977)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Collectif
Edition Heavy metal magazine - 16/12/2020
ID-BDovore : 348357
George C. Romero’s THE RISE – a prequel to the film “Night of the Living Dead” – serialization starts in this issue as well as Michelle & Bart Sears haunting tale of revenge, MAIDEN! We look at our distant past and follow Liberatore’s LUCY in an era where the ascension of the hominids had just begun. In Brendan Columbus´ SAVAGE CIRCUS Deputy Brady Harrison must navigate through a city of deranged animals, psychotic criminals, and crazed ringleader Lewis Savage to protect his citizens and save his town. Balcarce and Jok show us what happens when God dies. In the distant future, Medney’s Benedict Gunn guides the DARK WING crew in search for a new world to call home.
Taarna returns in this issue!
Plus a plethora of short stories!
- Lucy: Hope Chapter Three
- Taarna Part Two
- Angel of Detroit
- Savage Circus Chapter Three
- Interview With Wayne Coyne
- Dark Wing Chapter Three
- Funeral Chapter One
- Sun Eater
- The Rise Chapter One
- Cobalt-19
- Interview With Mark Bode
- Onslaught Prodigy
- Matter Jerry
- The Tea House
- Maiden Chapter One
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