Intégrale - T1 - The Complete Witchblade, Volume One (TPB)
The Complete Witchblade (2020)(V.O. anglais)
Comics Super-héros - Collectif
Edition Image Comics - 31/03/2020
EAN : 9781534315648 | ID-BDovore : 332640
- Witchblade #1-19
- The Darkness #9 & 10
- Tales Of The Witchblade #1/2 & 3
This first collection of the bestselling series created by MARC SILVESTRI, DAVID WOHL, BRIAN HABERLIN,and MICHAEL TURNER equips streetwise cop Sara Pezzini with the mysterious Witchblade, a weapon of prehistoric origin and untold power. As the artifact's bearer, Sara goes toe to toe with a Machiavellian industrialist, supernatural serial killers, and far worse, as the supernatural underworld of New York alters the course of her destiny forever.
Gorgeously rendered and painstakingly assembled as the first in a series of absolute collected editions.
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