Intégrale - T1 - Scrimshaw : Tears of the Sonoran Sea (TPB)
Scrimshaw : Tears of the Sonoran Sea (2018)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Borden, Eric/ Mims, Dave
Edition Alterna comics - 11/12/2019
EAN : 9781945762734 | ID-BDovore : 323234
Scrimshaw : Tears of the Sonoran Sea (2018) #1-4
The crew of the Runaway Horse set sail for the West, undertaking a mission to repay their debt to the Tanto Corporation. In order to secretly make their way into the New Republic of Texas, the crew must enlist the help of Mariposa’s sister, Salome, who sits at the head of the fearsome Playa Rojo Cartel. Salome agrees to help them cross a massive and treacherous desert, the Sonoran Sea. But first the crew must aid the cartel on a daring raid to plunder a convoy of trucks. Meanwhile, Baron de Carvalho and King Billy doggedly pursue the group under the order of The Fox to capture the head of Captain Hans Tanaka. Their fate hangs in the balance when they must make a desperate decision: take their prize and square the debt or rescue Salome and take care of family.
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