Intégrale - T1 - Fleurs de Conflit (TPB)
Agents of P.A.C.T. (2017)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Northcott, Blake - Andrasofszky, Kalman/ Manfredi, Federica
Couleur : Thomas, Andrew
Edition Chapterhouse Comics - 01/12/2019
EAN : 9781988247212 | ID-BDovore : 322360
Synopsis :
Agents of P.A.C.T. (2017) #1-4
With Captain Canuck missing, and a new menace wreaking havoc across Canada, P.A.C.T. director Manon DesChamps assembles a new strike team of super-agents, including Kebec, Redcoat, and rookie hero Marla Ritchie. But can this fledgling team prevent destruction, or will rival agendas tear them apart?
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