©Top Cows Productions/Kaplan, Zachary (Zack)

Intégrale - T3 - Port of Earth, Volume 3 (TPB)
Port of Earth (2017)(V.O. anglais)

Comics - /
Couleur :
Edition Top Cows Productions - 24/09/2019
EAN : 9781534313354 | ID-BDovore : 311276

Synopsis :


Port of Earth (2017) #9-12

In a deal with an alien business Consortium, humanity has opened a Port of Earth for galactic travelers. After countless violent, deadly incidents between aliens and humans, alien soldiers have been stationed here to help bring peace. Now the leaders and agents of our Earth Security Agency must stop deadly alien outbreak, contain a growing human resistance and navigate a delicate relationship with our alien partners - or sacrifice humanity's authority over our own security and risk planetary occupation.

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