©IDW Publishing/Gibrat, Jean-Pierre

T1 - Book One : 1914-1915
Mattéo (En anglais)

Historique -
Edition IDW Publishing - 01/11/2018
ID-BDovore : 310121

Synopsis : A beautifully drawn and deeply emotional graphic novel that follows the singular destiny of a man caught up in the fervent passions of a tumultuous period that begins with the Great War of 1914. In a small town at the foot of the Pyrenees on the French Mediterranean, lifelong friends are called to arms, except for Mattéo, who, as the son of Spanish refugees, is exempt from service. Yet when his fellow villagers—including Juliet, the woman he loves—express disdain for his pacifism, he embarks on an epic adventure that will have a resounding impact on all their lives.

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