Intégrale - T2 - Book 2 : Close Encounters (TPB)
M.A.C.H. 1 (2018)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Collectif
Edition Rebellion - 01/04/2019
EAN : 9781781086742 | ID-BDovore : 309915
Super-spy action thrills in 2000 AD's answer to James Bond and The 6 Million Dollar Man! + ALERT STATUS RED + CRISIS POINT EXCEEDED + When terrorists, super-weapons and other-worldly forces plot destruction, the British Secret Service need John Probe their number one super-agent. But when Probe begins to question the motives of his superiors and the ruthless logic of his cybernetic brain, he finds the service has dark secrets up its sleeve... including failed prototype, M.A.C.H. Zero! The agency will find out what happens when they try to control Men Activated by Compu-Puncture Hyperpower!
This volume collects the explosive finale of 2000 AD’s super-spy thriller and the M.A.C.H. Zero spin-off story!
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