©PapercutZ/Castleton, Ari

The Loud House (Free Comic Book Day 2017)
Free Comic Book Day 2017 (V.O. anglais)

Comics - - Collectif/ - Collectif
Edition PapercutZ - 06/05/2017
ID-BDovore : 306748

Synopsis : The Loud House is Nickelodeon's big, new, #1 hit animated show! Learn from Lincoln Loud the ins and outs of living in a huge household with 10 sisters! Lincoln will teach you important life lessons such as how to always get the last slice of pizza, how to restore law and order to the living room, and how to properly dispose of poopy diapers! All this and more from Nickelodeon's first family-Lincoln and his sisters Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lisa, Lola, Lana, and Lily! Featuring stories by The Loud House animation crew and show creator Chris Savino!

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