©Top Cows Productions/Kaplan, Zachary (Zack)

Intégrale - T2 - Port of Earth, Volume 2 (TPB)
Port of Earth (2017)(V.O. anglais)

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Couleur :
Edition Top Cows Productions - 02/10/2018
EAN : 9781534308480 | ID-BDovore : 287729

Synopsis :


Port of Earth (2017) #5-8

The Port of Earth is open for business to all galactic alien travelers, but as our alien business partners secretly visit Earth, an unresolved alien threat emerges, and recently traumatized Earth Security Agents Rice and McIntyre must balance between protecting humans and alien visitors alike, while shouldering the fate of Earth’s autonomy of our own planet’s security.

A politically-charged, thought-provoking sci-fi action thriller

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