Intégrale - T3 - Transformers : Till All Are One, Volume 3 (TPB)
The Transformers : Till All Are One (2016)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Scott, Mairghread/ Pitre-Durocher, Sara
Couleur : Lafuente, Joanna
Edition IDW Publishing - 08/05/2018
EAN : 9781684050864 | ID-BDovore : 277959
The Transformers : Till All Are One (2016) #9-12
+annual 2017
The fate of Cybertron lies in the hands of Starscream and Windblade as each tries to win allies and support in order to gain control over the Council of Worlds.
After the costly victory against the Titans, Iacon is in shambles and Starscream finds himself on shakier ground than ever. The key to his political (and likely literal) survival rests in the outcome of a very unlikely event: the trial of the Council's first official war criminal—Chromia of Caminus!
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