©Marvel/Lee, Stan

Intégrale - T4 - To Wake the Mangog (TPB)
The Mighty Thor Epic Collection (2013)(V.O. anglais)

Comics - /
Couleur :
Edition Marvel - 10/03/2015
EAN : 9780785191735 | ID-BDovore : 276759

Synopsis :


Thor (1966) #154-174

From the darkened depths, rises a threat greater than any Thor has ever before faced. Mangog threatens to unsheathe the Odinsword and bring Ragnarok upon the Norse gods in this collection of Asgardian classics. And that's just the beginning! In Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's Thor there's always another cosmic adventure around the corner. Point in case: Ego the Living Planet vs. Galactus, the return of "Him"-the man who would come to be known as Adam Warlock-and the origin of Galactus! It gets personal, too, with a surprising revelation regarding Donald Blake, the return of Jane Foster, and the dramatic dance between Balder and the Norn queen Karnilla.

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