Intégrale - T1 - Between Two Worlds
Magnus (2017)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Higgins, Kyle/ Fornés, Jorge
Couleur : O'Halloran, Chris
Edition Dynamite Entertainment - 10/04/2018
EAN : 9781524105785 | ID-BDovore : 275084
Magnus (2017) #1-5
Do humans dream of owning electric sheep? Artificial intelligences, rather than becoming our overlords, have settled into an uneasy symbiosis with humanity – they work for us as our colleagues and servants, earning vacation-time they spend in a boundless digital universe running on human-maintained server farms.
But not all AIs are cool with the deal. Enter Magnus – a human psychologist tasked with navigating both worlds in order to bring recalcitrant AIs back into productive society...
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