Intégrale - T1 - Disney Gravity Falls Shorts : Just West of Weird (TPB)
Gravity Falls Shorts (2017)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Collectif
Edition Disney comics - 26/09/2017
EAN : 9781772755190 | ID-BDovore : 272946
Synopsis :
Gravity Falls Shorts (2017) #1-4
Head back to the Mystery Shack with Dipper and Mabel Pines and their great uncle, Grunkle Stan, for more adventures in the small town of Gravity Falls, Oregon. With original-art covers and graphic novel–style retellings of the hugely popular Disney Gravity Falls Shorts, this collection of issues 1–4 of the brand-new comic series from Joe Books is sure to be a hit with fans of the Disney show.
Gravity Falls Shorts (2017) #1-4
Head back to the Mystery Shack with Dipper and Mabel Pines and their great uncle, Grunkle Stan, for more adventures in the small town of Gravity Falls, Oregon. With original-art covers and graphic novel–style retellings of the hugely popular Disney Gravity Falls Shorts, this collection of issues 1–4 of the brand-new comic series from Joe Books is sure to be a hit with fans of the Disney show.
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