Intégrale - T1 - Crosswind, Volume 1 (TPB)
Crosswind (2017)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Simone, Gail/ Staggs, Chris
Edition Image Comics - 06/03/2018
EAN : 9781534304741 | ID-BDovore : 270988
Synopsis :
Crosswind (2017) #1-6
A slick and ruthless Chicago hitman.
A smart but downtrodden Seattle housewife.
When an inexplicable event strikes these two random strangers, their bodies, souls, and lives are switched—to potentially deadly effect.
Crosswind (2017) #1-6
A slick and ruthless Chicago hitman.
A smart but downtrodden Seattle housewife.
When an inexplicable event strikes these two random strangers, their bodies, souls, and lives are switched—to potentially deadly effect.
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