Intégrale - T1 - Namesake (TPB)
Namesake (2016)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Orlando, Steve/ Rebelka, Jakub
Edition Boom! Studios - 22/08/2017
EAN : 9781608864119 | ID-BDovore : 264675
Synopsis :
Namesake (2016) #1-4
Jordan Molossus lived to avoid his fathers. Now he’ll traverse two worlds to put them in the ground.
Every seven years, a supernatural parallel world called Ektae aligns itself with Earth, bringing magic and mayhem . . . it’s a celebration that Jordan Molossus wants nothing to do with. Until now, Jordan was an orphan, born on Ektae and abandoned on Earth, but that all changes when a package arrives on his doorstep containing two magical cast-iron urns. Jordan now has one week to travel into Ektae and spread the ashes of his parents while uncovering the mystery as to why he was orphaned, all the while being chased by the demons of their past.
Namesake (2016) #1-4
Jordan Molossus lived to avoid his fathers. Now he’ll traverse two worlds to put them in the ground.
Every seven years, a supernatural parallel world called Ektae aligns itself with Earth, bringing magic and mayhem . . . it’s a celebration that Jordan Molossus wants nothing to do with. Until now, Jordan was an orphan, born on Ektae and abandoned on Earth, but that all changes when a package arrives on his doorstep containing two magical cast-iron urns. Jordan now has one week to travel into Ektae and spread the ashes of his parents while uncovering the mystery as to why he was orphaned, all the while being chased by the demons of their past.
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