Intégrale - T1 - The Circle (TPB)
The Circle (2016)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Clark, Damon/ Zherno, Alyzia
Edition Action Lab - 13/06/2017
EAN : 9781632292681 | ID-BDovore : 263504
Synopsis :
The Circle (2016) #1-5
After his mother dies, Christian, a teenage boy, moves to Shell bay with his single father only to be bullied as the new kid at school. He finds friendship with the "Weird" kids and unknowingly joins them in an occult ritual that allows a darkness to possess each of them. Through the help of his gypsy neighbor, Christian will learn that the only way he can reverse the ritual is by killing off his circle of friends before they kill him, or before the darkness takes over his soul. One by one he will face them all, and in the end he will have to make the hardest decision of his young life.
The Circle (2016) #1-5
After his mother dies, Christian, a teenage boy, moves to Shell bay with his single father only to be bullied as the new kid at school. He finds friendship with the "Weird" kids and unknowingly joins them in an occult ritual that allows a darkness to possess each of them. Through the help of his gypsy neighbor, Christian will learn that the only way he can reverse the ritual is by killing off his circle of friends before they kill him, or before the darkness takes over his soul. One by one he will face them all, and in the end he will have to make the hardest decision of his young life.
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