Intégrale - T1 - Grounded (TPB)
Star-Lord (2017)(V.O. anglais)
Comics Super-héros - Zdarsky, Chip/ Anka, Kris
Couleur : Wilson, Matthew (Matt)
Edition Marvel - 03/07/2017
EAN : 9781302905545 | ID-BDovore : 258663
Synopsis :
Star-Lord (2017) #1-6
Peter Quill might have been born on Earth, but he's been away a long time. And now that the Guardians of the Galaxy have gone and got themselves stranded on terra firma, how does a man go from soaring through the stars as the legendary Star-Lord, to living with his feet planted firmly on the ground? What kind of job options are available for a guy whose résumé mostly consists of "guarding the galaxy"? One thing is certain: Earth has a new guardian. Also, a new bartender.
Star-Lord (2017) #1-6
Peter Quill might have been born on Earth, but he's been away a long time. And now that the Guardians of the Galaxy have gone and got themselves stranded on terra firma, how does a man go from soaring through the stars as the legendary Star-Lord, to living with his feet planted firmly on the ground? What kind of job options are available for a guy whose résumé mostly consists of "guarding the galaxy"? One thing is certain: Earth has a new guardian. Also, a new bartender.
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