Intégrale - T1 - Squarriors : Spring (TPB)
Squarriors (2014)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Maczko, Ash/ Witter, Ashley-Marie
Couleur : Collectif
Edition Devil's Due Publishing - 21/10/2015
EAN : 9781618550781 | ID-BDovore : 258182
Synopsis :
Squarriors (2014) #1-4
Collecting the breakout hit series' debut miniseries, and setting the stage for more! Squarriors is a comic book serial that centers around several clans of animals living in a world recently voided of humans. Since the demise of humanity, the remaining animal life have become intelligent. The spark of rational thought creates an internal struggle for these creatures; instinct versus reason. And the clashing of these ideas erupts into ultra-violent wars across the planet!
Squarriors (2014) #1-4
Collecting the breakout hit series' debut miniseries, and setting the stage for more! Squarriors is a comic book serial that centers around several clans of animals living in a world recently voided of humans. Since the demise of humanity, the remaining animal life have become intelligent. The spark of rational thought creates an internal struggle for these creatures; instinct versus reason. And the clashing of these ideas erupts into ultra-violent wars across the planet!
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