Intégrale - T1 - Mythos : Lovecraft's Worlds (TPB)
Mythos : Lovecraft's Worlds (2016)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Barrows, Brandon/ Petrus, Hugo
Edition Caliber comics - 25/10/2016
EAN : 9781942351726 | ID-BDovore : 256321
Synopsis :
Mythos : Lovecraft's Worlds (2016) #1-4
Remembered as the father of modern horror, H.P. Lovecraft is best known for tales of terror, cosmic abominations and especially his most famous creation, the dreaded Cthulhu! Few realize, however, the true creative breadth and depth spanned by Lovecraft, who penned stories of horror but also of fantasy, science fiction and even humor.
In Mythos, writer Brandon Barrows and artist Hugo Petrus go beyond tentacles and evil gods to explore the rare corners and the myriad worlds created by H.P. Lovecraft, brought to you as an adapted graphic novel! Some of the stories contained within: Pickman's Model, The Strange High House in the Mist, The Curse of Yig, The White Ship, The Beast in the Cave, along with others to entertain.
Mythos : Lovecraft's Worlds (2016) #1-4
Remembered as the father of modern horror, H.P. Lovecraft is best known for tales of terror, cosmic abominations and especially his most famous creation, the dreaded Cthulhu! Few realize, however, the true creative breadth and depth spanned by Lovecraft, who penned stories of horror but also of fantasy, science fiction and even humor.
In Mythos, writer Brandon Barrows and artist Hugo Petrus go beyond tentacles and evil gods to explore the rare corners and the myriad worlds created by H.P. Lovecraft, brought to you as an adapted graphic novel! Some of the stories contained within: Pickman's Model, The Strange High House in the Mist, The Curse of Yig, The White Ship, The Beast in the Cave, along with others to entertain.
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