Intégrale - T1 - Life of Crime (TPB)
Illuminati (2016)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Williamson, Joshua/ Crystal, Shawn - Collectif
Couleur : Rauch, John
Edition Marvel - 19/07/2016
EAN : 9780785199984 | ID-BDovore : 254060
Synopsis :
Illuminati (2016) #1-7
Bad guys win every day...why not us?" How do the villains of the Marvel Universe live in a world where the sky isconstantly filled with heroes? What do they do when they want out of that life? Who will fight for them? The Hoodbelieves he might just be the answer, and to meet his goals he's bringing on an army of bad guys! Titania, Mad Thinker,Thunderball, Black Ant and Enchantress will all have a place at the table as the Hood unveils his master plan.
Illuminati (2016) #1-7
Bad guys win every day...why not us?" How do the villains of the Marvel Universe live in a world where the sky isconstantly filled with heroes? What do they do when they want out of that life? Who will fight for them? The Hoodbelieves he might just be the answer, and to meet his goals he's bringing on an army of bad guys! Titania, Mad Thinker,Thunderball, Black Ant and Enchantress will all have a place at the table as the Hood unveils his master plan.
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