T1 - The Daniel Horne Sketchbook, Volume 1
The Daniel Horne Sketchbook
Artbooks - Horne, Daniel
Edition S Q Publications - 25/09/2003
EAN : 9780865620742 | ID-BDovore : 249366
Synopsis :
As a rule, artists find a comfortable, workable niche, and stay there for the rest of their lives. A designer, a painter, or a sculptor - rarely do you find someone who can literally do it all, and well! Daniel Horne is one of those irksome individuals, equally adept in practically any medium; his art is breathtaking in scope, imagination, and level of detail. Horne's career has reflected his love of fantasy and fable. The richness of these illustrations comes from a limitless imagination and a trained eye, but also hours and hours of detailed sketches, studies, research drawings. The Daniel Horne Sketchbook Volume One contains intricate break-downs, as well as many finished projects and personal pieces. See for yourself what makes Daniel Horne such a genuine talent, a masterful illustrator, and a true Renaissance man.
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