T1 - Descent
La Muerta (2016)(V.O anglais)
Comics - Pulido, Brian - MacLean, Andrew/ Gomez, Joel
Couleur : De la Cruz, Eva
ID-BDovore : 244789
Present day. Maria Diaz, a US soldier, returns from Afghanistan to be reunited with her family on the Mexican holiday, Dia de los Muertos. But her brother has fallen in with The Zavalas, a death-worshipping crime cartel led by the nefarious Mama Z. When they see the family celebrating, they believe they’ve been ripped off by them. The entire family is murdered in cold blood. Maria wakes out of a coma Eight months later to find her family dead and gone. She seeks justice finds none: Daring the impossible, Maria decides to avenge her family and send the Zavala’s to hell. Can one woman defeat an entire crime cartel and what will be the cost to her humanity? Standard cover by Mike Krome, Bones cover by Joel Gomez, Premium cover by Scott Lewis, and Naughty cover by Monte Moore.
source: éditeur
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