Intégrale - Death Sentence: London (TPB)
Death Sentence: London (2015)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Montynero/ Simmonds, Martin
Edition Titan Books - 19/04/2016
EAN : 9781782765073 | ID-BDovore : 232033
Synopsis :
Death Sentence: London (2015) #1-6
The G-Plus virus, which grants people superpowers but six months to live, is spreading through the world's populace faster than ever...
Can a cure for G-Plus be found before their time runs out?!
Death Sentence: London (2015) #1-6
The G-Plus virus, which grants people superpowers but six months to live, is spreading through the world's populace faster than ever...
Can a cure for G-Plus be found before their time runs out?!
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