©Marvel/Brubaker, Ed

Intégrale - T1 - Captain America, Volume 1 (TPB)
Captain America (2011)(V.O. anglais)

Comics Super-héros - / -
Couleur :
Edition Marvel - 29/08/2012
EAN : 9780785157090 | ID-BDovore : 230743

Synopsis : Collects
Captain America (2011) #1-5
Best-selling Cap writer Ed Brubaker and superstar artistSteve McNiven bring you the next huge chapter in Steve Rogers' life, and it's a perfect jumping-on point for fans of the Cap movie! A funeral for a fallen friend turns into a race against time as the original Captain America makes his explosive return! Find out the secrets of the mission that went wrong in WWII, and why old friends are now old enemies! It's all-out Cap action and history the way you like it, in a cage match for your comic reading pleasure!
source : editor

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