Intégrale - T1 - Battle of the Dragon (TPB)
Archon (2015)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Perez, John J/ Maccagni, Marco
Edition Action Lab - 12/01/2016
EAN : 9781632291257 | ID-BDovore : 224588
Synopsis :
Archon (2015) #1-5
In 1981 Las Vegas is changing. The Mafia is being pushed out and Big Corporations are moving in. But something mysterious is taking up residency. Gareth Thompson, the Archon’s new chief of security, will soon discover a mythical new world hidden behind the guise of a fantasy themed Hotel and Casino.
Archon (2015) #1-5
In 1981 Las Vegas is changing. The Mafia is being pushed out and Big Corporations are moving in. But something mysterious is taking up residency. Gareth Thompson, the Archon’s new chief of security, will soon discover a mythical new world hidden behind the guise of a fantasy themed Hotel and Casino.
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