Intégrale - T2 - The Scotsman's Curse (TPB)
Samurai Jack (2013)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Zub, Jim/ Williams, Brittney
Couleur : Burcham, Josh
Edition IDW Publishing - 16/10/2014
EAN : 9781631401312 | ID-BDovore : 211812
Synopsis :
Samurai Jack (2013) #6-10
Jack's journey to return to his own time continues as he teams up with old pal the Scotsman! Plus, a battle with a foe that controls the forces of gravity and Aku sends an opponent who unravels the thoughts and memories that make Jack a samurai.
source : editor
Samurai Jack (2013) #6-10
Jack's journey to return to his own time continues as he teams up with old pal the Scotsman! Plus, a battle with a foe that controls the forces of gravity and Aku sends an opponent who unravels the thoughts and memories that make Jack a samurai.
source : editor
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