Intégrale - T1 - Graveyard Shift (TPB)
Graveyard Shift (2014)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - Faerber, Jay/ Bueno, Fran
Edition Image Comics - 04/06/2015
EAN : 9781632153753 | ID-BDovore : 210734
Synopsis :
Graveyard Shift (2014) #1-4
Reunited after their memorable run on Noble Causes, Jay Faerber and Fran Bueno bring you a new tale of crime, horror, and romance! It's Fright Night-style thrills and Castle-style crime-solving as a homicide detective and his girlfriend find their love put to the ultimate test when they run afoul of a gang of vampires!
source : editor
Graveyard Shift (2014) #1-4
Reunited after their memorable run on Noble Causes, Jay Faerber and Fran Bueno bring you a new tale of crime, horror, and romance! It's Fright Night-style thrills and Castle-style crime-solving as a homicide detective and his girlfriend find their love put to the ultimate test when they run afoul of a gang of vampires!
source : editor
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